The configuration must meet the following conditions:
- Incoming mail server address: ujk.edu.pl
- Outgoing mail server address: ujk.edu.pl
- The user name may not contain capital letters and Polish diacritical marks.
- The user has an email address in the form: imie.nazwisko@ujk.edu.pl. The address must not contain Polish diacritical marks. The address is not case-sensitive (forenames and surnames can begin with either upper or lower case letters).
- Incoming POP3/IMAP connections require SSL to be enabled.
- An outgoing SMTP connection requires TLS (STARTTLS) to be enabled.
- An outgoing SMTP connection requires PLAIN or LOGIN authentication to be enabled.
- Incoming mail port number: 995 (for POP3) or 993 (for IMAP).
- Outgoing mail port number: 587.